Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:New Lebanon, NY Source:sqtrlyobits:615Search: Full Last First
ID 615 FULLNAME Anderson, Martha J. ISSUE tm2801 DETAILS
Martha J. Anderson , at North family, Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. Nov. 19, 1897. Age 53 years and 10 months. Nov. 19th Sister Martha J. Anderson past beyond our sight and touch, but never beyond our deepest, highest love. She has been in failing health for some time, a nervous trouble which at one time threatened blindness. When our friends go over the Border Land so near, and yet in health and strength seeming so far, their faults are forgotten and their virtues heightened; the very faults of our dear sister leaned to virtue's side, being unjust to herself in her unselfish care for all others. Her sweetness and utter foi-getfulness of self made her life among us from eleven to fifty-four years of age, like the golden path thrown by the setting sun, all brightness and beauty, in whose light others might walk and ever grow better and stronger.—Anna White.AGE 53 years and 10 months. DEATHDATE 1897-11-19 VILLAGE MT Lebanon, NY FirstNAME Martha J. LastNAME Anderson
Village:New Lebanon, NY Source:whrsreel:000272Search: Full Last First