Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:White Water Village, OH Source:wwonames:1279Search: Full Last First
id 1279 surname Champlain nvariations Champlain given Susanna age 45 birthpl U status_locus CF year 1835 ref_code 38.419 source_desc ORIGIN, RISE, PROGRESS AND DECLINE OF THE WHITEWATER COMMUNITY OF SHAKERS LOCATED IN HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, MacLean, J.P., Ohio Arch?ological and Historical Publications, Vol. XIII, Columbus, 1904, page 419
id 1280 surname Champlain nvariations Champlain given Susanna age U birthpl U status_locus with Anna Sherman & Adaline Wells, conveyed from WW to UV by Amos Balance, Nov. 4 year 1843 ref_code 106.146 source_desc Eldress Sally Sharp's Journal, Union Village, Ohio, 1805-1849; page 146 [Library of Congress microfilm collection 16, 231]