Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:South Union, KY Source:sqtrlyobits:473Search: Full Last First
ID 473 FULLNAME Clark, Bessie ISSUE tm2302 DETAILS Bessie Clark, at South Union, Ky., Oct. 5, 1892. Age IT yrs. and 28 days. She had lived among Believers only a short time, but had great love for the people, and strove to be obedient to the principles of our Church. She was loved deeply by all and we regretted her early death.
AGE 17y. 28d. DEATHDATE 1892-10-05 VILLAGE South Union, KY FirstNAME BESSIE LastNAME CLARK PAGE 2:93
Village:Watervliet, NY Source:whrsreel:002885Search: Full Last First