Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:Harvard, MA Source:findgrave:1646Search: Full Last First
id 1646 firstname Maria lastname Foster deathdate 1897-09-09 source findgrave sourceid 1973617:126960796 sourceurl
Village:Harvard, MA Source:harvard:389Search: Full Last First
id 389 FirstName Maria LastName Foster Town Watertown Sequence 375 leadership Chh Eld Str leader 1 County Middlesex Familys Chh TranscriptionNote Manifesto OriginalSource Chh AdmittedCode 18290925 DOB 04/04/1822 DeceasedCode 18970909 DOBCode 18220404 Admitted 09/25/1829 toNorth 1 Deceased 09/09/1897 Removal 12/21/1853 Gender F State MA ChhCovenant1831 51 RemovalCode 18531221
Village:Harvard, MA Source:sqtrlyobits:614Search: Full Last First
ID 614 FULLNAME Foster, Maria ISSUE tm2711 DETAILS Maria Foster, at Harvard, Mass. Sept. 9, 1897. Age 75 years 4 mo. and 26 dajs. Sister Maria was born in Concord, Mass., and was placed under the care of the Community when at the age of seven years. When she arrived at the age when she could understanding^ choose for herself, she chose to remain where she had spent her youthful days, therefore becoming a faithful and trusted Christian. She has held many important offices of trust and responsibility. At her death she had been twenty-two years an associate in the min-' isterial order. At one time she had a large class of girls under her charge and taught the public school of the Society for sixteen years. She will be greatly missed by her associates.
AGE 75 years 4 mo. DEATHDATE 1897-09-09 VILLAGE Harvard, MA FirstNAME Maria LastNAME Foster
Village:Harvard, MA Source:whrsreel:005276Search: Full Last First