Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:Hancock, MA Source:hsvcensus:491Search: Full Last First
id 491 lastname Goodrich firstname Hannah #1 (Mother) sex f birth_date 1752.03.10 birth_place 1780 date_admitted Hancock 1791-1792. Canterbury 1792-1820. covenant_signed Arrived Hancock at gathering, 1791, DeWint.821, p5. To Canterbury Ministry 1792 with Job Bishop, DeWint.821, p20. Mother Hannah's testimonies: Test.1816: p260, 332. Other Hannah Goodrich testimonies: Hannah 1st, Test.1816: p31-32, 46-47, 66, 207-8, 213, 238, 243, 270, 278, 354, 356; undesignated Hannahs: OClWHi.VI:B-40: p97; NOC.13,363: p67; OClWHi.VI:B-109: p241. Mother Hannah Goodrich died at New Lebanon Chh [?] at age 57, on 1820.02.09, OClWHi.III:B-12. [Uncertain which of the older Hannahs is Mother; see New Lebanon index.] shaker_residences 1820.02.09 health New Lebanon? occupation OClWHi.III:B-12.