Photos:Mt Lebanon Hancock Hamilton Richmond
Village:Watervliet, NY Source:wvltscan:362Search: Full Last First
id 362 firstname O.M. Orange Maria lastname Treadway fullname Treadway, O.M. Orange Maria (MORIAH) birthyr 1810 deathyr 1869 updated 2016-06-20 01:35:39 doc wvcem-binder4-t-z/wvcem-20151217_0072-treadway page 3 o_born 26 Aug 1810 Rutland, NY o_died 17 July 1869 ae 58 Location in Cemetery: L-ll o_history Mother died in 1822 and she was brought by her father. Sister of Almira. 4 Mar 1823 Came to CF. (WR Mem, file) (VB-279) 17 Mar 1829 Came to SF. (Ill B-35 SF records) 27 Oct 1832 moves to office to hold deaconship 17 Apr 1839 On bonnet selling trip 11 May 1839 Released as deacon 4 Feb 1840 To live with Eldress Polly Vedder (VB-315 CF) 9 Sept 1842 Her silkworms have begun to wind the second time. 21 Nov 1843 Moriah and I "went to reeling silk." (PAB) 1844-46 In CF Meeting Journal, she is frequently "inspired," got family up at 3 a.m. on 10 Feb 1846, again 26 Jan 1846 and had them search thru house, (AFM-22, reel 9) 22 Mar 1858 Elder Sister Moriah has scarlet fever. (DAB) 19 Jul 1858 Replaced as Elder Sister by Betsy Harri- son and became deaconess in place of Eunice Johnson. (VB-338 CF) 9 Dec 1858 Gave all the sisters in the Office "a cotton & worsted pinner." (PAB) 19 July 1859 Stepped down from Elder Sister to deaconess. (DAB) 25 Feb 1861 To live in Office with PAB. (VB-338) 29 July- 11 Aug 1863_ She went on a trip to eastern L.I. with Freegift Wells, Elder David Hawkins, Almira Treadway and Mercy Hayward. (Journal of Freegift Wells) 5 Sept 1863 Moves from office back to dwelling house. (PAB) "To take particular charge of her sister, Almira, who is somewhat weak-headed." (VB-338) 17 July 1869 Moriah Treadway drowned herself in the pond about 4 a.m. "Was found to be missing from, her room in the Infirmary about 4:30. Body found in about 6 fy. of water, 3 roas from shore. Three of the brethren went, out in a boat, got her by clothing and tewed her to shore. C. Miller went to West Troy for coroner. He came and summoned a 6-man jury - 3 brethren (Chas. Brackett, Nehemiah White & David Hawkins) and 3 hired men. Verdictd - death by drowning in a fit of insanity." (DAB) 17 July 1869 "Had a very severe fever and it settled on her brain." (FAB) 17 July 1869 "From derangement, drowns herself." (VB-326 WF) No mention of a funeral. 2/2/88, 11/30/88 6/1/96 eds o_author 2/2/88, 11/30/88 6/1/96 eds