
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Restoration John Ott 1975 Director, Hancock Shaker Village Show
Victorian Influences on the Shakers John Ott 1976 Show
Flax Production at South Union, KY with J.Jefrey Donna Parker 1993 Exhibits curator, KY Museum, Western KY Univ. Bowling Green, KY Show
Ho! For Drakes Creek Donna Parker 1997 Show
Architecture of the Whitewater, OH Shaker Community Beth Parker Miller 1990 Beth- registrar and associate curator, Hancock Shaker Village; Mark - graduate student, U Mass., Amherst Show
From the Shaker Messenger to Shakers World: An Introduction Alana and K.C. Parkinson 1996 Editors, Shaker World; Manchester, CT Show
Mount Lebanon's Gifts to the Hancock Enfield, CT, and Tyringham Bishopric Steve Paterwic 1990 President of Boston Area Shaker Study Group Math teacher Show
The Valley Forge Group and the Shakers Steve Paterwic 1992 Show
tour guide for Shirley site tour Steve Paterwic 1994 Show
The First Century of Shaker Trustees at Shirley, MA Steve Paterwic 1994 Show
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