
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Shaker Design...Shaker Images Paul Rocheleau 1987 Professional photographer; Shaker Design: Richmond, MA Show
The Shaker Broom Making Industry at Watervliet, NY Paul Russell 1995B Environmental Conservation Specialist, Colonie, NY Show
Welcome Vicki Sand 1984 Director, Shaker Museum, Old Chathman, NY Show
Host for A Converstaion with Faith Andrews Vicki Sand 1985A Show
Shaker in the Museum Collection from the Hancock Bishopric Vicki Sand 1990 Director, Shaker Museum, Old Chatham, NY Show
Discussion with Br.T. Johnson Br.David Serette 1975 Member; Shaker Family, Sabbathday Lake Author, Shaker Smalls Show
Welcome and tour of Shaker Exhibit at the New York State Museum John Scherer 1984 Associate Curator, Decorative Arts and Prints, NY State Museum, Albany, NY Show
The Photographs of William F. Winter, Jr., 1899-1939 David Schorsch 1990 President, David A. Schorsch, Inc., NYC Author, The Photographs of William F. Winter. Jr. 1899-1839 Show
Mother's Work and the Holy Feast Ground Gregory Schwartz 1989 Show
Welcone to the Museum at Lower Shaker Village Sarah Saville Shaffer 1996 Director , Museum at Lower Shaker Village Enfield, NH Show
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