
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Editing and Writing for Shaker Entusiasts Fran Kramer 1982 Writer for The NY-PA Collector Pittsford, NY Show
BronsonAlcotss and the Shakers Fran Kramer 1987 Show
Author, Author: Perils and Pitfalls of Publishing in the Field of Shaker Studies panel disc. Fran Kramer 1991 Seminar Associated Director Show
The Groveland Story: The Making of an Exhibition Fran Kramer 1991 Consulting curator Simply Shaker, Rochester Museum, NY Show
An Introduction to the Groveland Fran Kramer 1991 Show
The Shaker Exhibit in Japan with K. Moriaty Fran Kramer 1993 Free lance writer in antiques field. Author, Simply Shaker, Groveland and the NY COmmunittees Show
Thoreau , Emerson, Alcott: What was Trancendentalism Fran Kramer 1994 Show
Panel discussion An Introduction to the World of On-line Auctions Fran Kramer 1999 Show
From A (Andrews) to T (Tooley): How the World Saw the Shakers in the 20th Century Fran Kramer 1999 Show
Welcone to Warren COuty Historical Society and an Introduction to the Shaker Collection Thomas Kuhn 1986 Warren County Historical Society, Lebanon, OH Show
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