
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Enfield NH Shakers Robert Leavitt 1978 Lebanon, NH town historian Show
Enfield Shaker Furniture and Artifacts Robert Leavitt 1982 Show
Enfield, NH Shaker Articfats Robert H. leavitt 1989 Show
Elizabeth lee 1995B Seminar Program Planning Committee Show
Shaker Light Dough Leitch 1989 Show
The Murder of Caleb Dyer Doug Leitch 1992 Conservation technician, NH Newspaper Project of Dartmouth College, NH Show
Enfield, CT Shakers: The Forgotten Community- Then and Now Gary Leveille 1990 VP, Great Barrington Historical Society: descendant of Pease family from Enfield, CT Shaker Community Show
Victoria Leyton 1989 Seminar Planning Committee; Princeton, NJ Show
An Introduction to Collections at Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Paige Lilly 1988 Librarian for Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Show
Image of the Shakers in the Media Paige Lilly 1988 Show
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