
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Welcome Stewart Welsh 1993 Deputy Director, Hamilton County Park District, Cincinnati, OH Show
Shaker Gift Drawings Precedents and Parralels in American Folk Art Jerry Wetkin 1985B Vice President, Museum of American Folk Art; author The Four Season of shaker Life; New York, NY Show
Shaker Baskets Martha Wetherbee 1989 basket maker; author Martha Wetherbee's handbook, Shaker Baskets; Sandborton, NH Show
A Comparison of the Shaker and the Benedictine Order Br.Thomas Whitaker 1979 Member of the Order of St. Benedict; resident at St. Mark's Priory, South Union, KY; author of numerous articles for The Shaker Messenger Show
Talk at South Union Br.Thomas Whitaker 1983 Show
Daniel Boler and the Mt. Lebanon, South Union, KY Shaker Connection Br.Thomas Whitaker 1984 Show
Coordinator for post-seminiar Shaker Festival at South Union, KY Br.Thomas Whitaker 1986 Show
Shaker Revels Music Program Mary Ann Wilde-Hagen 1992 Director of shaker Revels, Norwich, VY Show
A Consistent Testimony: Songs, Correspondence and testimony of Enfield Shakers Mary Ann Wilde-Hagen 1996 Music teacher Show
The Shaker Marketplace with S. Courcier Robert Wilkins 1996 Courcier and Wilkins Antiques; Austerlits, NY Show
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