
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
Herb Wisbey 1985B Seminar Planning Committee Show
The Sodus Shaker Community Herb Wisbey 1991 Show
Author, Author: Perils and Pitfalls of Publishing in the Filed of Shaker Studies Panel Disc. herb Wisbey 1991 Show
The Shakers of Alfred Frank Wood 1980B Show
Hancock Shaker Village, Inc. : A Work in Progress: Lawrence Yerdon 1999 Director, Hancock Shaker Village Seminar Program Planning Committee Show
Panel Discussion An Introduction to the World of ON-line Auctions Michael Zak 1999 Show
Welcome and A Look to the Future at Hancock Shaker Village Lawrence J. Yerdon 2000 Show
as yet imperfectly understood: Nineteenth Century Visions and Visitations Sharon Duane Koomler 2000 Show
No Sex, No Drugs, No Rock n Roll: What Else Can We Say About Shaker Celibacy? Dawn Bakken 2000 Show
Millenarianism, Medievalism and Monasticism: The Shakers an Ephrata Community Dr. James Gallant 2000 Show
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