
Topic First Last Year Area Item actions
"The Wakefield Dancers" A program of the 19th century music & dance Tom Bohrer 1991 Director, Wakefield Dancers Show
Do You Recognize These Faces?: Hancock Shakers in the Twentieth Century Todd Burdick 2000 Show
HSV Green Tour: Yesterday and Today Todd Burdick 2010 Show
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Agriculture at Hancock Shaker Village: A Virtual Tour Todd Burdick 2012 Show
Shaker Chairs with C. Muller Tim Rieman 1983 Co-author The Shaker Chair; New Lebanon, NY Show
Mt.Lebanon Shaker Chair industry with C. Muller Tim Rieman 1984 Author, The Complete Book of Shaker Furniture Show
Hancock Shaker Furniture Tim Rieman 1990 Craftsman Show
The Rise of Pleasant Hill Thomas D. Clark 1979 History Professor Emeritus, Univ. of KY Show
The Shakers on Agriculture and Technology Thomas Harrington 1984 Curator of Collections, Hancock Shaker Village Show
Welcone to Warren COuty Historical Society and an Introduction to the Shaker Collection Thomas Kuhn 1986 Warren County Historical Society, Lebanon, OH Show
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